Collective Bargaining Agreement


Section 2 - Definitions


  1. Calendar Quarter
    "Calendar Quarter" means those calendar periods consisting of December 1 through March 1, March 2 through May 31, June 1 through August 31, and September 1 through November 30 of any years, except as may be modified by the provisions of this Section, Paragraph W.
  2. Charter

    "Charter" means an off-line or on-line flight that is not a regularly scheduled flight which is contracted by a person or group for the transportation of the person(s) or agents or representatives of the group.

  3. Conversion
    A change from deadhead status to a working status on the same flight.
  4. Co-Terminals
    "Co-Terminals" are the following airports serving the domiciles as designated below:
BWI-IAD-DCA Serving Washington
LGA-JFK-EWR Serving New York
MDW-ORD Serving Chicago
OAK-SFO Serving San Francisco
BUR-LAX-SNA Serving Los Angeles
  1. Day
    A "Day" is a calendar day.
  2. Deadheading

    Deadheading" means the transport of a Flight Attendant to or from protecting a flight.

  3. Domestic Flying

    "Domestic Flying" means all Company certified routes or charter operations within the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States and Canada.

  4. Domicile

    "Domicile" means a geographical area designated by the Company where Flight Attendants are based.

  5. Drafting

    Lineholders shall be considered drafted when assigned, while off duty, in inverse order of seniority and in priority among those available and quali-fied. In addition, Lineholders shall be considered drafted when removed from their assigned flight for which they are legal, available and in position to fly, and assigned to cover any other flights.

  6. Employee

    "Employee" as used in this Agreement means a Flight Attendant, male or female, who has completed training as prescribed by the Company and met all of the Federal Aviation Administration's requirements and whose name appears on the Flight Attendant System Seniority List.

  7. Extra Section

    "Extra Section" means an on-line flight which is not a regularly scheduled flight but is operated to provide additional service.

  8. Ferry

    A flight which does not transport revenue passengers. Flight Attendants are considered on a deadhead status on such flights.

  9. Purser

    "Purser" means a Flight Attendant as defined in Paragraph N of this Section and, in addition, a Purser shall give work guidance to all Flight Attendants on aircraft where more than one (1) Flight Attendant is assigned. When the Company assigns more than one (1) Purser on an aircraft, one of them will be designated Aft Purser.

  10. Flight Attendant

    A "Flight Attendant" means an employee whose duties consist of performing or assisting in the performance of all cabin safety related functions, all en route cabin service or ground cabin service to delayed or canceled passengers in a resourceful manner, and shall include responsi-bility to apply these services for the safety, welfare, and comfort of passengers. A Flight Attendant may, from time to time, be requested to participate in publicity and promotional assignments. Such participation shall be on a voluntary basis.

  11. Flight

    "Flight" is any portion of an ID which is designated by a given flight number.

  12. Flight Time

    Actual flight time (block to block) means the time from the moment an air-craft moves from the blocks under its own power or under tow for the pur-pose of flight, until the time the aircraft comes to rest at an unloading point. If passenger access/egress is prohibited at other than a normal unloading point, either international or domestic, flight time shall continue until passenger deplaning occurs or the flight departs.

    Credited flight time means the time which is accumulated toward a Flight Attendant's monthly credited flight time maximum as described in Sections 7 and 12. Credited flight time may be more than but cannot be less than actual flight time.

  13. Holiday
    1. Holidays shall be designated as follows:
      a. United States’ “holidays” shall include:
      New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and the Flight Attendant's Birthday.
      b. United Kingdom’s “holidays” shall include:
      New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, August Bank Holiday, Christmas Day, and the Flight Attendant’s Birthday.
      c. Hong Kong's "holidays" shall include:
      Chinese New Year, Handover Day, Christmas Day, National Day, and the Flight Attendant's Birthday.
      d. Germany's "holidays" shall include:
      New Year's Day, Easter, Unification Day, Christmas Day, and the Flight Attendant's Birthday.
      e. Japan's "holidays" shall include:
      New Year's Day, National Founding Day, Greenery Day, Emperor's Birthday and the Flight Attendant's Birthday.
    2. Flight Attendants will be paid for the holidays specified for her/his domicile country. No Flight Attendant shall be eligible to be paid for more than five (5) holidays in any calendar year.
  14. Home Domicile

    "Home Domicile" means the specific domicile where a Flight Attendant is assigned.

  15. ID
    "ID" means any combination of flying and/or deadheading which is arranged between legal rests at the Flight Attendant's home domicile. Each ID shall be numbered and dated as required.

  16. Legal Rest
    "Legal Rest" means that amount of time necessary before a Flight Attendant is eligible to begin another duty period.

  17. Line of Flying
    "Line of Flying" means a planned sequence of IDs and intervening days off for a Lineholder.

  18. Lineholder
    "Lineholder" means a Flight Attendant who is assigned to a line of flying.

  19. Month
    "Month" means the period from the first day of, to and including the last day of each calendar month in the year, except that for flight time limitations and pay purposes, January, February and March will each be considered a thirty (30) day month through the addition of January 31 and March 1 to the month of February. Leap Year will make February a thirty- one (31) day month, and except that by giving ninety (90) days notice to the MEC President or designee, the Company may consider any thirty (30) day month as a thirty-one (31) day month or any thirty-one (31) day month as a thirty (30) day month.

  20. On Duty
    "On Duty" means that period commencing with the time a Flight Attendant is required to and reports to a place designated by the Company for the purpose of flying or deadheading to or from protecting a flight and shall continue through debriefing at a layover point or home domicile. A Flight Attendant shall be considered on duty from the time she/he is scheduled to report and reports for duty as a standby Reserve.

  21. Open Flying
    "Open Flying" means:

    1. IDs dropped by Flight Attendants.
    2. IDs remaining unassigned after all lines of flying have been constructed for a domicile for the month.
    3. All other miscellaneous flying for which compensation is paid.
  22. International Flying

    "International Flying" means all Company certified routes or charter oper-ations between cities within the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States and Canada, and any city(ies) outside the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States and Canada and trips flown as part of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF), but including the Military Airlift Command (MAC).


A lineholder shall be considered as having been reassigned when:

  1. The Flight Attendant is illegal or out of position to fly the scheduled flight or ID, or
  2. The scheduled flight or ID will not operate as planned and such lineholder is assigned to cover any other flight or ID under the provisions of this Agreement.
BB. Reserve

"Reserve" means a Flight Attendant who is assigned to a reserve line.

CC. Reserve Line

"Reserve Line" means a planned sequence of scheduled days of availability and days scheduled to be free from availability.

DD. Standby Reserve

"Standby Reserve" means a Flight Attendant on reserve status as defined in Paragraph BB who is called to the airport without a specific flight assignment.

EE. Temporary Duty

"Temporary Duty" means an assignment at other than a Flight Attendant's home domicile for the purpose of filling vacancies for flight coverage for a period of no more than four (4) consecutive schedule months.

FF. Union

"Union" as used in this Agreement shall mean the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA.

GG. International Domicile
“International” domicile shall refer to those domiciles located outside the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States.
HH. Domestic Domicile
“Domestic” domicile shall refer to those domiciles located within the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States.

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