Return to Your Rights as an Employee

Rights While On Sick Leave Status

Mandatory Calls to Supervisors

The company has the right to instruct you to call a supervisor when you place yourself on sick leave status. A supervisor may also instruct you to call periodically for an update on your status. Although the Contract provides that you need not divulge the nature of your illness to the supervisor (See Section 20.C.), a legitimate question of management would be the estimated date of return to duty. You are also obligated to provide an accurate contact number while on sick leave status.

You retain the following rights under the Contract:

  1. You are not required to remain telephone available on days not scheduled for duty.
  2. During your illness you should not be required to make calls to management on days not scheduled for duty. If a supervisor instructs you to call on a scheduled day off, alert the supervisor to this fact. Contact the Union if the supervisor does not respect your Contract rights. (Contract references Sections 7.H., 10.D., 19.B.6.)
  3. All information in your medical file should be known only to the Medical Department (UAMD) and not divulged to Inflight Management or anyone else without your consent (Contract reference Section 20.C.)

Visits to Medical Facilities / Clinical Narratives

The company retains the right to require a visit to a medical facility on a day scheduled for duty provided you are well enough to transport yourself to the facility without jeopardizing your health or safety.

  1. Normally, you should not be required to visit a medical facility on a scheduled day off. (e.g., Note Reserve days off are inviolate except as provided in 10.D. and 12.M.3.).
  2. If you are too ill to drive safely to a medical facility (e.g., symptoms of nausea, faintness, etc.), state this fact to the supervisor. Let the supervisor propose the solutions. Anything the company requires or provides (e.g., prepaid transportation) must be paid for by the company.
  3. Feel free to ask the supervisor what benefit management would derive from a medical visit. If you feel a directive is unreasonable or violates your Contract, comply under protest (unless your health or safety would be jeopardized) and contact your Union Representative as soon as possible.
  4. The purpose of a company directed medical visit would be to verify your illness or a referral for treatment. You are not required to accept any particular type of treatment against your will.

Who Bears the Cost of Medical Visits

Section 20.B. states, in part, "Any physical examination required by the Company shall be paid for by the Company."

A distinction must be drawn between "recommended" and "required". If your supervisor wants you to visit a medical facility, clarify with your supervisor if you are being directed or required with the company paying the cost. If required, the company would choose the facility. However, if you suggest the alternative of seeing your personal physician for your own convenience, you must bear the cost.

Clinical Narratives

In MEC 15-87 and LAX 60-85, the System Board ruled that any cost incurred by the Flight Attendant in providing company required clinical narratives or medical visits from other sources must be borne by the company. For example, a required examination by the company Medical Department to return to work would be at no cost to you. If the company requires that you see your own physician for further examination or information, the company must pay the cost.

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