2008 Contract Survey Introduction Letter

2012-2016 Contract

December 23, 2008

Negotiations and You

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Your Negotiating Committee is preparing for Section 6 Contract negotiations, which will begin in April.  Our Contract is amendable on January 7, 2010 and we are working with each of you to negotiate an on-time Agreement with the improvements required to reflect the critical work we do at our airline.  We have prepared this survey based on feedback from your Local Council Presidents, feedback from you during the Strategic Advantage Contract Roadshow, and direct feedback from Members through phone calls, e-mails and personal contact. 

Your participation in this survey is important.  We are relying on your input to guide us as we develop the Opening Proposal.  This survey provides all Members the same avenue to communicate your needs and priorities for these negotiations.  Our negotiating priorities are determined by you.  When you participate you have a stake in the negotiations.  When our priorities are shaped by all of us, we are all engaged in the process and our powerful unity is naturally engaged as each of us is committed to achieving our collective goals.

A copy of the survey is enclosed in this mailing.  We encourage you to take time to answer the questions on paper prior to entering your responses through the web or telephone.  This will allow you to prepare your answers before you go online or call in and will reduce the time necessary to respond.  We encourage you to use your 2005-2010 Flight Attendant Agreement as a reference when considering your answers.

If possible, please try to complete the survey online.  This method may be easier since the survey is quite lengthy and more cumbersome for telephonic response.  You may start responding to the survey and return to complete your responses at a later time.  However, a suspended web survey may only be resumed on the web; similarly, a suspended telephone survey may only be resumed by telephone. 

Enter your feedback and then encourage your flying partners to do the same.  Your responses are strictly confidential to our Negotiating Committee.  All feedback will be reviewed by our Negotiating Committee once the survey closes on Tuesday, January 27th at 1700 Central Time. 

Collectively, supporting each other, we will achieve an industry-leading, on-time Flight Attendant Agreement.  Your Negotiating Committee and your 17,000 fellow United AFA Members thank you for your time and commitment.

In Solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee

Karen Mazuer, Chairperson
Shirley Barber
Jack Kande
Greg Davidowitch, President


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