Uniting Continental and United Flight Attendants in AFA

Date: January 18, 2011

WHEREAS the merger of United and Continental Airlines has created the largest airline in the world, and,

WHEREAS United is expected to earn more than $1billion this year, nearly $2 billion next year, and another $1 billion when the operational merger is complete, and,

WHEREAS the merger and extraordinary financial turnaround was made possible in large part due to the hard work and sacrifice of all Flight Attendants, and,

WHEREAS we expect the best Flight Attendant Contract at the world's largest airline, which will be based on the priorities of both the United and Continental Flight Attendants,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AFA-CWA United Master Executive Council unanimously supports filing for a single carrier determination with the National Mediation Board to bring the United and Continental Flight Attendants together into AFA, the largest and most effective Flight Attendant Union in the world, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that AFA will continue to conduct a professional campaign to educate United and Continental Flight Attendants on the reasons why AFA is the best choice to represent all Flight Attendants at the new United Airlines.

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