Expedited Mediation Q & A

Updated: November 4, 2011

Moving to an Expedited Mediation process for our Negotiations means that we could reach a Contract quicker that achieves the top priorities that you have identified.  At the same time, we would remain with the Section 6 process and would retain the protections of the Railway Labor Act.  If we reach an Agreement, it would bring us closer to obtaining a Single Contract and a merged workforce.

Why did we wait to seek Expedited Mediation?

The time was right.

This process is modeled after a new program implemented by the NMB earlier this year, with AFA being the first Flight Attendants to participate.  The decisive vote for AFA as the representative for Flight Attendants at the new United also sets the stage for an opportunity to utilize the program at this time.  We are all ready to see improvements to our current Contract sooner rather than later.  We also set the stage for additional improvements in Single Contract negotiations to follow the successful resolution of our Section 6 process.

How long is the Expedited Mediation process?

The Expedited Mediation Process began with our first session on October 10, 2011, and will conclude no later than January 6, 2012. 

Where will the Expedited Mediation sessions take place?

The negotiations will take place in the Chicago or Washington, DC metropolitan area, unless the NMB directs otherwise.

What happens to the issues not addressed in Expedited Mediation?

At the end of the process, any Provisions or Sections from the current Contract that have not been modified will be remain “book”.

What happens if Expedited Mediation produces a Tentative Agreement?

If we reach a Tentative Agreement, that agreement will be reviewed by the United Master Executive Council (MEC) and then presented to the United Flight Attendant Membership for ratification.

What happens if Expedited Mediation does not produce a Tentative Agreement?

If Expedited Mediation fails to produce an Agreement or a if a Tentative Agreement (TA) does not ratify, we would return to the regular Section 6 mediation process we are in today.

Why don’t we just stay in Section 6 Negotiations?

This Expedited Mediation is part of our Section 6 Negotiations.  It is a tool within the Section 6 process.

What is the likelihood of successfully reaching an Agreement in Expedited Mediation?

AFA, United management and the National Mediation Board are committed to make this process work.  We will continue to dedicate all appropriate resources to seek a successful conclusion to these negotiations.

Will we, as the Membership, get to vote on a Tentative Agreement reached in Expedited Mediation?

Yes, the Membership will get to vote to ratify any Tentative Agreement reached during Expedited Mediation.

Why don’t I see the issue of “Retro Pay” on this list?

Retroactive “Retro” Pay is on the negotiating table.  The issue of “Retro Pay” is in the “hourly Rates of Pay” (Section 5.A) by nature of these improvements being recognized as effective beginning from the January 7, 2010 amendable date of our current Contract.

When could we have a new Agreement in place?

If a Tentative Agreement (TA) is reached between AFA and management by the January 6th deadline and this agreement is ratified, we could have a new Agreement in place by the first half of 2012.

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