MEC President Letter

2012-2016 Contract

May 14, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We have gathered your feedback on the idea of building a Strike Fund since we began our preparations for these negotiations.  Your feedback through survey results, local meetings and face-to-face discussions made it clear that your elected leaders should move forward with consideration of a strike fund that would support our negotiations.  After extensive discussions and review of Strike Fund options, your Local Council Presidents unanimously concluded that a fund designed to recognize the unique nature of our workforce and our potential strike tactics is the right answer and an important next and immediate step in our Contract Campaign. 

We have been in negotiations for a new Contract for nearly 14 months.  To date very limited progress has been made in our negotiations, despite the assistance of the National Mediation Board since August 2009.  During the course of our negotiations United management has demonstrated contempt and disregard for United Flight Attendants in both the content of their proposals and how they have chosen to undertake these negotiations.  It is clear that management’s goal in these negotiations is to convince Flight Attendants to agree to their concessionary proposals.  They expect us to work even harder – for less.

Moving forward, it will take increased efforts to break the cycle of concessions and change the current dynamic in our negotiations.  We will continue to execute against our strategic negotiating and Strike Preparedness Plans, to influence the outcome of our negotiations.  Contrary to anti-union propaganda, the vast majority of AFA contracts are settled at the bargaining table without resorting to strike action.  Nevertheless, there are times when talks alone don't succeed in resolving issues.  A Strike Fund provides a strong incentive for employers to negotiate in good faith instead of trying to provoke strikes.

We remain committed to working with the Mediators and welcome their involvement in facilitating discussions at the negotiating table so as to reach a new Collective Bargaining Agreement without AFA Members having to resort to self help.  We must be prepared, however, for the possibility that a credible strike threat or actual strike is the only way to force management to negotiate the Contract that was promised after our sacrifices saved our airline.  Just when everyone needs to stay focused on doing Whatever It Takes! we cannot afford to let financial concerns sidetrack us.

The security of a Strike Fund is not only helpful for addressing Flight Attendant concerns, the strategic advantage of a Strike Fund also puts pressure on management.  As we consider the vote before us to back our strikers with our own hard earned money, management is worried our response will be resolute.   Without a Strike Fund management, the media, the flying public and the mediator can more easily speculate that we don’t have the resolve to do Whatever It Takes!  They know what it means to have a financial punch behind our strike threat.  Management only responds to pressure - that is what motivates the negotiating process.  Security through a Strike Fund generates more power.  Displaying our militancy and mobilization translates our numbers into power and leverage and the negotiating table.

The question before you, “Do you approve a $3.75 temporary monthly dues increase to remain in place until a new Collective Bargaining Agreement is ratified, specifically for the purpose of building a Strike Fund for the use of United Airlines Flight Attendants in our efforts to secure an Industry-Leading Contract?” is yours to decide. 

The best way to avoid a strike, is to be prepared for one.  We prepare for a strike both as a means to execute a successful strike, should it become necessary, and as means to demonstrate to management that we are not only willing, we are ready to do Whatever It Takes!  Read all of the information in this Strike Fund Vote mailing and then cast your vote for our future.

In Solidarity,

Greg Davidowitch, President

United Master Executive Council

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