AFA Acts on IAM Allegations

Date: July 11, 2011
Type: MEC President Letter

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today the International Association of Machinists (IAM) has filed charges against the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) alleging flagrant and repeated violations of the National Mediation Board (NMB) rules, polices and procedures by AFA and United Airlines.

This latest step to divide Flight Attendants is shameful, although not surprising based on the conduct of the IAM during the course of this election and the continued actions of the members of the IAM Steering Committee after the duly authorized certification of AFA as the Collective Bargaining Representative for United, Continental and CMI Flight Attendants.

We are disappointed by these actions that only continue to adversely affect our Flight Attendant community and negatively impact our negotiations.

Flight Attendants want to be unified and to move forward for positive change. Withdrawal of these absurd allegations is the only responsible action that can be taken by the IAM in the best interests of Flight Attendants. Failing that action, we will respond to these allegations directly to the NMB. We will keep you advised as we move forward together and work for our future.

In Solidarity,

Greg Davidowitch, President
United Master Executive Council

IAM Challenges Results of the NMB Election - Part 1 (.pdf)

IAM Challenges Results of the NMB Election - Part 2 (.pdf)

IAM Challenges Results of the NMB Election - Part 3 (.pdf)

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