Workers Picket UAL Shareholder Meeting in Los Angeles

Date: June 11, 2008
Type: AFA Media Release
Contact: Sara Nelson at 202-286-1973

Flight Attendants and Other Workers Protest Executive Greed and Poor Decisions

LOS ANGELES - United Airlines flight attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA-CWA), together with other United employees will picket the UAL Shareholder meeting at the Marriott Warner Center in Woodland Hills, California on June 11, 2008. Workers will set up a picket line on the south side of the hotel (Califa St.) beginning at 8:00 a.m. Picketing will continue following the UAL Shareholder meeting and conclude with a rally at the Warner Ranch Park Bandshell.

During the Shareholder Meeting AFA-CWA Master Executive Council President Greg Davidowitch will present a shareholder proposal for an advisory vote on executive pay. Shareholders have been voting on the proposal in recent weeks.

"Executive 'pay-for-pulse' must die at United Airlines. The notion that executives are paid for performance, but continue to be richly rewarded when they fail shareholders, workers and passengers is absurd," stated Greg Davidowitch, AFA-CWA President at United. "How is it conscionable for executives to reap substantial salary increases and bonus packages, while workers and passengers continue to suffer the effects of bankruptcy? Flight attendants and other workers are coming together to demand change and good decisions for the future of United Airlines."

United employees will be joined by airline workers from other airlines, members of the Writer's Guild of America and members of the Communication Workers of America. Workers from different industries are coming together to protest executive greed and with a call for "Shared Rewards" for all workers who contribute to the success of the airlines, networks, or other companies that benefit from their hard work.

Date: June 12, 2008
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. PDT
Where: 21850 Califa St., Woodland Hills, California

More than 55,000 Flight Attendants, including the 17,000 Flight Attendants at United, join together to form AFA, the world's largest Flight Attendant union. AFA is part of the 700,000 member strong Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Visit us at

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