The Role of the MEC Hotel & Transportation Committee

Date: April 23, 2019
Type: AFA Article

MEC Hotel and Transportation Committee

The primary objective of the MEC Hotel & Transportation Committee is to oversee the selection of hotels and ensure the negotiated standards set forth in the JCBA provide safe, clean and quiet lodging with food availability for Flight Attendants on layover.

The MEC Hotel and Transportation Committee Members follow an objective inspection process when the company selects hotels or renews hotel contracts. Hotel Standards for Flight Attendants are clearly spelled out in our JCBA, LOA 17 (page 330-333). Hotels inspected are selected through a Request for Proposal process where company representatives ask hotels in any given city to respond to a request from the company to lodge Flight Attendants for layovers. Not every hotel in every city is interested in crew business for various reasons. The reasons can include our flight arrival and departure patterns which might drive the need for additional hotel personnel to prepare rooms to support our arrival. Other reasons can include the number of rooms needed or other factors such as conventions or other anticipated business that might preclude the hotel for consistently meeting the number of hotel rooms needed each night. It might surprise you to learn that in one city the need for Flight Attendants each night exceeds 100 rooms!

As part of the Hotel Committee’s responsibility to enforce our JCBA, each month the Members of the Hotel & Transportation Committee participate in a conference call with management representatives to discuss issues that might otherwise compromise the provisions of our Contract and to review the schedule of hotels to be inspected in the upcoming month.

Flight Attendants play a critical role in keeping the Hotel and Transportation Committee informed by filing reports on any issues they encounter with a contracted hotel or transportation vendor. The AFA Hotel Report can be accessed from the Reports & Forms icon located on the home page of our website, As of October 1, 2018, the reporting system was updated to allow our MEC Hotel & Transportation Committee with the ability to gather, catalog and act on reports received from Members. The report will be forwarded to your respective Local Hotel & Transportation committee and the MEC Hotel & Transportation committee for evaluation. 

It is important that you submit this information/form expeditiously, always including all of the information listed on the form, to ensure the incident is thoroughly investigated and action is taken to address any deficiency.

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