Additional Information on Settlement of MEC 5-09

Date: October 17, 2011
Type: AFA Article

The application of this settlement is limited to Reserve Flight Attendants awarded PTO at the end of the schedule month when the Reserve will be a Lineholder in the following schedule month.

  • If a Flight Attendant is awarded PTO which causes her/him to be unable to be assigned on her/his remaining day or days of availability, the Reserve will be placed on PTO for the day requested and will be shown as "CNF" unpaid status, for the subsequent day(s) on in the Reserve block through the last day of the schedule month.
  • A Flight Attendant may elect to have the CNF status removed from those remaining day(s) and have the Reserve day(s) restored to her/his schedule along with the applicable Reserve minimum guarantee.
  • If PTO has been awarded to a Flight Attendant more than 24 hours prior to the start of a Reserve block for one or more days in the block and should the Flight Attendant wish to have the CNF status removed from remaining day or days at the end of the month and have those day(s) restored as Reserve day(s), she/he must inform Crew Scheduling no later than 1500 local domicile time on the day prior to the first day of the Reserve block. If the Flight Attendant makes this request prior to the deadline this request will be honored. If the Flight Attendant does not make this request by the established deadline, the Company will have discretion to agree to or deny this request.
  • If PTO is awarded for a day of availability in a Reserve block at the end of the month after that Reserve block has already begun, and the PTO will cause her/him to be unable to be assigned on her/his remaining day or days of availability, the Flight Attendant will be shown as CNF for the subsequent day(s) on in the Reserve block through the end of the schedule month. The Flight Attendant may have the CNF status removed and restore the Reserve status for those day(s) if she/he informs Crew Scheduling no later than 1500 local domicile time on the day prior to the first PTO day. If the Flight Attendant makes this request prior to the deadline this request will be honored. If the Flight Attendant does not make this request by the established deadline, the Company will have discretion to agree to or deny this request.
  • If PTO is awarded after 1500 for the following day, and this causes the Flight Attendant to be unable to be assigned on her/his remaining day or days of availability, the Flight Attendant may elect at the time she/he is awarded PTO that any remaining day(s) of availability will continue to be Reserve day(s).

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