Attendance Bonus Point Application

Date: July 6, 2023
Type: AFA Article

As previously reported, the Union and the company reached mutual agreement to amend Section 23.F. of our Contract in order to enable Flight Attendants to earn a one-point attendance credit during the summer holiday season, provided the following conditions are met:

  • The Flight Attendant remains on active status throughout the designated holiday period.
  • The Flight Attendant does not report sick, whether paid or unpaid, for the entire designated holiday period.
  • The Flight Attendant works a flight segment and/or stands Reserve between July 1, 2023, and July 7, 2023, based on the local domicile time.
  • The Flight Attendant does not generate any attendance points as defined in Section 23.F.1. of our current Contract during this July 1, 2023, to July 7, 2023, time period.

Once earned, the bonus point will be recorded in the Flight Attendant's Work History and remain there until a point-generating occurrence takes place. When such an occurrence happens, any earned points will be automatically applied to reduce the total accrued points for the absence to the lowest possible level.

It's important to note that the utilization of the earned bonus point(s) will vary depending on each unique situation. For instance, if a Flight Attendant has two (2) bonus points and is absent due to illness but provides a doctor's note that reduces the attendance points to 1.5, the remaining balance of 0.5 points in their work history will be applied to any future attendance requirement.

Reminder, the one-point credit earned will offset the first point-generating occurrence that happens after July 7, 2023.

To ensure accuracy and monitor your points balance, it is recommended that you keep track of your work history and bonus points. If you notice any inaccuracies or discrepancies, please report them to your supervisor promptly.

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