What is an Opener?

The “Opener” is the initial set of proposals presented by the Union and management at the start of negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. The Opener may also be referred to as an “opening letter” or simply a “proposal.” It may be detailed or general, but it is intended to put the other side on notice as to the changes being sought to the Contract.

"The Opener is how we begin the negotiations; it’s our starting position."

Our Negotiating Committee used the survey results, direct feedback from Members, AFA Committees and direction from your Local Presidents to write our Opening Proposal. They studied industry Contracts, negotiating history, grievances and other developments to assist in preparations. Our Opener is detailed in some areas and more general in others to provide room to maneuver throughout the negotiations.

The Opener is how we begin the negotiations; it’s our starting position. It is approved by your Local Council Presidents who make up the United Master Executive Council.

Once they exchange Openers with management on April 6th, our Negotiating Committee is taking to the road to review both Openers with you before returning to Direct Negotiations. Check the Roadshow schedule and join us at a meeting.

After the Openers are exchanged the parties begin the work of discussing, clarifying, modifying – negotiating – over the changes proposed in the Opener until they can reach agreement on terms acceptable to both sides.

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