What is “Expedited Mediation”?

Updated: September 6, 2011

"Moving to an Expedited Mediation process for our Negotiations means that we could reach a Contract quicker that achieves the top priorities that you have identified."

On June 9, 2011, the National Mediation Board (NMB) announced the establishment of an “Expedited Mediation Project”.  The purpose of this project as described by the NMB is to help address mediation disputes in a timely and methodical manner.  For a mediation case to be accepted for expeditious handling, the parties must jointly request consideration for Expedited Mediation and develop a protocol agreement, which will establish expectations and the expedited mediation process.

Parameters surrounding Expedited Mediation:

  • All parties must agree to the expedited process
  • Intensive mediation over limited time with a set of aggressive mediation sessions
  • Negotiation of a joint protocol agreement to establish what, when, where and how long
  • Limited number of issues to be discussed
  • NMB must believe that there is a high probability of success
  • Availability of NMB Mediator
  • Parties retain right to seek self-help
  • NMB continuous oversight
  • If no Agreement is reached, the NMB still retains its discretionary rights to determine how to proceed with the mediation case

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