This information is no longer current - it is for reference only. It is an archive review of events that took place during United Airline's Chapter 11 Bankruptcy from December 9, 2002 - February 1, 2006.

Side Letters

Page updated: April 8, 2003

Vacation Overlap
During the discussions leading to the Restructuring agreement dated May 2, 2003, the Company and the Association agreed that for vacations beginning June 1 through the end of 2003, Section 18.K.1 (Vacation Overlap) will not apply. A Flight Attendant’s line guarantee will be reduced by the value of the time falling outside the vacation; however, the minimum 65-hour guarantee will apply.

Uniform Stripes
This letter will confirm that during the course of the negotiations leading to the Restructuring Agreement dated May 1, 2003, the Company and the Union discussed the Flight Attendant uniform. Within ninety (90) days from the date of signing of the Restructuring Agreement, the Company and the Association will meet to determine a cost neutral method of phasing in a uniform jacket with stripes on the cuff of the sleeve through the normal replacement process in accordance with Section 16.D. of the Flight Attendant Agreement.

Wage Garnishments
As a result of discussions between the Company and the Association leading to the Restructuring Agreement, dated May 1, 2003, the Parties have agreed that the Company will not issue discipline to Flight Attendants based on the Company’s receipt of a wage garnishment(s) unless the Flight Attendant has repeatedly and after notice from the Company failed to take appropriate corrective actions. This letter shall be effective upon signing and shall run concurrently with the Flight Attendant Agreement.

Grievance MEC 7-02 AVOLAR
As a result of discussions between the Company and the Association, the Parties have agreed to settle MEC 7-02 as follows:

  1. The Company will provide the AFA $13,350 as a result of the 369 block hours incurred by North American Jet cabin employees assigned to Avolar for the months of December 2001 through April 2002. The AFA will determine the distribution of such funds.
  2. If, in the future the Company considers establishing another Avolar-type operation, the AFA will be notified early in the planning process. This will provide AFA the opportunity to identify issues applicable to the United/AFA Collective Bargaining Agreement. If any such issues are identified, the Company and the AFA will work together to attempt to resolve such issues prior to the time the Avolar-type operation conducts its first flight.
  3. This Settlement Agreement is entered into on a non-precedent and non-prejudice basis and will not be referred to by either party in any future forum including, but not limited to grievance, arbitration, or litigation except to enforce the terms of this Settlement Agreement.

Personal Emergencies
During the negotiations between the Company and the Association leading to the Restructuring Agreement, dated May 1, 2003, the Company and the Union discussed the Company’s policies regarding Flight Attendant dependability infractions. Please be advised that I have distributed to Onboard Service management personnel the following clarifications and guidelines to the Company’s Prudent Commuter Policy and the Personal Emergency Policy.

The Personal Emergency Policy will be communicated to Flight Attendants system-wide.

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