AFA E-Lines: Jun 14, 2024

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  • AFA Celebrates Pride Month with Unity and Equality
  • June 13th Worldwide DOA Wrap-up!
  • AFA Welcomes Class 2412!

 AFA Debrief - June 14th, 2024

  •  AFA Celebrates Pride Month with Unity and Equality
  •  June 13th Worldwide DOA Wrap-up!
  •  AFA Welcomes Class 2412!


AFA Celebrates Pride Month with Unity and Equality

Pride Month is celebrated annually in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots. It is a work in progress to achieve equal opportunity for all individuals in the LGBTQ+ community. In June of 1969 patrons and supporters of the Stonewall Inn in New York City staged an uprising to resist the police harassment and persecution to which those in this community were commonly subjected. It was the beginning of a movement to change discriminatory laws, gain recognition, and fight for the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. Throughout the 55 years since that initial movement, recognition of Pride Month has become a time to honor the sacrifices and commitments of those who advanced the cause and to acknowledge their struggles and triumphs. Today is better than yesterday in creating a safe and welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. But tomorrow must be better.

Not only during Pride Month, but always, we should keep in mind what is at stake. Struggles such as defeating anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and working to elect individuals in our government that recognize and advance our cause, are still very real today. Growing to ever expand the boundaries in our understanding of who this community must include, and listening generationally to those younger and older and including their experience into our own. But there is also so much joy in the celebration of beauty, resilience, and evolution that LGBTQ+ people showcase every day.

Those in the LGBTQ+ community are an integral part of the values of our Union which celebrate and promote diversity and the strength of embracing different perspectives and experiences. We stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ members and allies, advocating for equal rights, fair treatment, and respect for all individuals.

We will continue to work together to promote inclusivity, challenge discrimination, and foster a culture of acceptance and understanding within our Union and the broader community.

Happy Pride Month to all of our members. Not just this month but always, let us march forward with PRIDE, unity, and a shared commitment to equality and equity for all.


 June 13th Worldwide DOA Wrap-up!

 On Thursday, June 13th, thousands of Flight Attendants from United and across the industry picketed outside more than 30 airports and virtually picketed as part of a worldwide day of action in the U.S., the U.K., and Guam.

While our Unions and airlines may differ, our mission is the same, to secure industry-leading Contracts that accurately represent our contributions to the success of our respective airlines.

We are the power and force that drives change. Your participation and support made this Day of Action the success that it was. Flight Attendants are the face of aviation and the trusted last line of defense on board aircraft around the globe. Today we showed the traveling public the human repercussions that stem from corporate greed and called out management for their inhumane tactics delaying meaningful and earned changes.

For too long, airline management has attempted to devalue our work while simultaneously raking in the profits of our labor. This ends now. It is time for management to realize that regardless of where we fly, we stand together, united in the fight for our profession.

An attack on one of us, unionized or not, is an attack on all of us. Flight Attendants stick together. Remember, when Flight Attendants are under attack, what do we do? STAND UP! FIGHT BACK!

The fight for our future is now. This historic event marked the unity and strength of Flight Attendants. With over 80,000 Flight Attendants represented, our message is clear: no concessions. Contract NOW!

We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder until all Flight Attendants have the contract they deserve.


 AFA Welcomes Class 2412!

 Every time a new Flight Attendant joins our career, they bring with them their unique talents and abilities, further strengthening our profession and our Union. On behalf of United AFA, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest Members of our Flight Attendant family, Class 2412!!

Our newest Flight Attendants will be based at our domiciles in EWR, LAX, SFO, and IAD. We look forward to helping them as they begin this incredible career.

As you meet new Flight Attendants on the line, please remember that they are on probation. Connect them with the most accurate information to support them as they begin their careers by directing them to their AFA Local Council for assistance on Contractual issues.

If you are interested in supporting our newest Members, reach out to your local council to see how you can be a part of shaping their early careers as an AFA volunteer!


JUNE - Pride Month
JUNE  16 - Father’s Day
JUNE 19 - Juneteenth
JUNE 23 - Quarterly CBT’s Due


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