AFA E-Lines: May 31, 2024

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  • Activist Alert!
  • Effective Communication - Utilizing CUS (Concerned-Uncomfortable-Safe) Words
  • Day of Action Reminder!!
  • AFA Welcomes Class 2410!

AFA Debrief May 30, 2024

  • Activist Alert!
  • Effective Communication - Utilizing CUS (Concerned, Uncomfortable, Safe) Words
  • Day of Action Reminder!!
  • AFA Welcomes Class 2410!


Activist Alert!

No More Stalled Negotiations: Tell the Senate to Stand Up for Our Rights. There are over 80,000 Flight Attendants in drawn-out negotiations across the industry. But without the credible threat of a strike, management across the industry have prolonged negotiations for years. There have only been two releases from mediation with strike deadlines since 2006, compared to dozens of releases in the 1980s and 1990s.

Call your Senators to ask them to sign on to a letter to the National Mediation Board that urges the Board to acknowledge our right to strike and release us when appropriate. With your help, Representatives will sign on to this letter to resolve disputes quickly so we can secure the contracts we deserve.

There is no limit to the number of times you call or email. Encourage friends and family to make calls and send emails in support of our rights. The more they hear from us, the more they will be pushed to action!

Send a Letter/Email here

Make a Call here


Effective Communication - Utilizing CUS (Concerned, Uncomfortable, Safe) Words

MEC Safety, Health, and Security Committee


In the world of aviation safety, we use “CUS words.” This references three distinct and important words that are used to heighten awareness and progressively escalate safety concerns. They can be used to communicate effectively to almost every United employee. These words are “Concerned,” “Uncomfortable,” and “Safe.” Although they may not be as colorful as other cuss words, they are vital in ensuring communication, establishing safety, and preventing violations or accidents. Let’s break it down:

  1. Concerned: When a crew member says, “I am concerned about…” during any situation, it serves as an attention-grabber. It indicates a rising level of concern for a specific issue, prompting everyone to actively listen and address the matter.
  2. Uncomfortable: If an employee tells another employee, “I am uncomfortable because…,” it signals that the initial expression of concern (using the word “concerned”) may have been missed. This elevated discomfort highlights a potential error or dangerous situation that needs attention.
  3. Safe: When anyone states, “This is a safety issue,” it is a clear signal to stop the current action and evaluate the situation before proceeding. Prioritizing safety is vital in aviation to prevent accidents, incidents, or regulatory violations and to ensure safe and professional operations.

Remember, these CUS words are professional and courteous alternatives that help maintain a safe and collaborative environment in aviation and other settings. They empower everyone to speak up and address concerns promptly. In any event, where your CUS words are not effective, engage others to assist and follow up with an ISAP report.


Day of Action Reminder!!

Are you ready for our red-hot Solidarity Summer kick-off on June 13th? Our Worldwide Day of Action is not just a regular picket; it's a powerful statement of our collective solidarity across the globe with multiple airline unions! It's the day we stand together with our fellow flight attendants and supporters to demand improvement in our careers and lives. Negotiations are stalled across the entire aviation industry and we need to set the record straight, stop the stalling! Whether we are fighting for adequate raises, superior safety rules, or overall improvement to our quality of life, we all demand action NOW.

178 Members of Congress have spoken, and they have our backs!! We can no longer wait for what we deserve without the threat of a strike in our RLA process. Year after year, we see significant compensation increases for the executives at all aviation companies. This is unacceptable. The purpose of this Day of Action is simple: We are RED HOT!

Let’s make this Day of Action our biggest yet. Invite your family, friends, and pass riders. Wear your complete uniform with your red pin or a red shirt.


AFA Welcomes Class 2410!

Every time a new Flight Attendant joins our career, they bring with them their unique talents and abilities, further strengthening our profession and our Union. On behalf of United AFA, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest Members of our Flight Attendant family, Class 2410!!

Our newest Flight Attendants will be based at our domiciles in EWR, SFO, IAD, GUM and ORD. We look forward to helping them as they begin this incredible career.

As you meet new Flight Attendants on the line, please remember that they are on probation. Connect them with the most accurate information to support them as they begin their careers by directing them to their AFA Local Council for assistance on Contractual issues.

If you are interested in supporting our newest Members, reach out to your local council to see how you can be a part of shaping their early careers as an AFA volunteer!



MAY - Mental Health Awareness Month

MAY - Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month

MAY - Jewish American Heritage Month

JUNE - Pride month

JUNE 13 - Worldwide Day of Action

<<<<FULL BRIEF>>>>

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