AFA E-Lines: May 16, 2024

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  • Worldwide Flight Attendant DOA- Bidding Reminder!!
  • AFA Applauds U.S. Congress for Backing Aviation Workers’ Right to Strike in Order to Settle Contract Disputes
  • Upcoming 51st Annual AFA Board of Directors Meeting
  • AFA Welcomes Class 2408!

AFA Debrief May 16, 2024

  •  Worldwide Flight Attendant DOA- Bidding Reminder!!
  • AFA Applauds U.S. Congress for Backing Aviation Workers’ Right to Strike in Order to Settle Contract Disputes
  •  Upcoming 51st Annual AFA Board of Directors Meeting
  •  AFA Welcomes Class 2408!


Worldwide Flight Attendant DOA - Bidding Reminder!!

 Don’t forget to SAVE THE DATE! Primary schedule bidding for June closes soon. As you make your selections, don't forget to bid around our June 13th Worldwide Flight Attendant  Day of Action (DOA) and RSVP today!

We’re kicking off this red-hot Solidarity Summer on June 13th with a Worldwide Day of Action (DOA) to promote solidarity and show our collective strength in the aviation industry fighting against corporate greed. Flight Attendants from multiple airlines and Unions will be in attendance!

Remember that you do not need to be off that day to attend. Are you landing from a trip? Join us! Departing that day? Come in a little early and join us! Friends and family, bring them all. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Our power to make change and earn a Contract we deserve comes not only from us but also from those who support our cause!

Mark your calendars, press your uniforms, and remember to wear your RED AFA pin. We will see you there!


AFA Applauds U.S. Congress for Backing Aviation Workers’ Right to Strike in Order to Settle Contract Disputes

 WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 14, 2024) —  The Flight Attendant Union, representing over 50,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines, applauds the 178 Members of Congress, led by Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-NM), who signed the letter to the National Mediation Board urging the agency to use all provisions under the Railway Labor Act to resolve contract negotiations.

“Deadlines are critical for negotiations. Airlines have delayed earned improvements by as much as five years while awarding CEOs and other executives,” said Sara Nelson, international president of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA representing over 50,000 at 20 airlines. “Flight Attendants are understandably fired up as they struggle to make ends meet. Clearly, a credible strike threat is needed to settle these disputes. We applaud Congresswoman Stansbury and all of the House members who are standing up for aviation workers’ rights and encouraging urgent resolution of protracted negotiations.”

 The letter was led by Reps. Melanie Stansbury (NM-1st), Donald Norcross (NJ-1st), Mark Pocan (WI-2nd), Debbie Dingell (MI-6th), Steven Horsford (NV-4th), and Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1st). It reads in part:

 “We are also concerned that the reason for these increasingly prolonged negotiations is due in part to the recent inability of workers to avail themselves of self-help options to facilitate labor disputes. It has long been understood that the best way to achieve labor peace is through collective bargaining backed by the threat of 'self-help' for both parties, including the right to strike for workers. Indeed, workers across a range of professions have secured groundbreaking new contracts in recent years, many of which were won due to workers’ credible ability to exercise self-help options.”

 AFA is in negotiations at 13 of our 20-represented airlines, including Air Wisconsin, Alaska Airlines, and Omni Air who have all authorized strikes, if necessary. We also stand in solidarity with our union siblings at American Airlines. Without a credible threat of a strike, or a release from mediation into a 30 day cooling-off-period ending with a strike deadline, management across the industry has prolonged negotiations for years. There have only been two releases from mediation with strike deadlines since 2006, compared to dozens of releases in the 1980s and 1990s that led to ratified agreements. 

 Flight Attendants will conduct a second, coordinated worldwide protest this year on June 13, 2024. Across the industry we’re fighting for a living wage, pay for all of our time on the job, improved flexibility for more control of our schedules, no additional employee costs or reductions to healthcare, and retirement security.

View Online


Upcoming 51st Annual AFA Board of Directors Meeting

 The United AFA MEC will attend the 51st Annual Board of Directors (BOD) meeting on May 20-22 in Atlanta, GA. The AFA Board of Directors represents our highest governing body of the Union. AFA Local Executive Council (LEC) Presidents from each of our 20 AFA-represented airlines, Master Executive Council (MEC) Officers, International Officers, Members, and guests will join together for an in-person meeting as required by the AFA Constitution and By-Laws.

 The United MEC and AFA-represented carriers are meeting to vote on 16 advanced agenda items, which can be found here. The Board will also discuss and approve the annual budget, our priorities, and more at this convention.

 Local Presidents, who are elected to represent the Members of their Local Council, play a pivotal role in the Board of Directors meeting. they will cast their votes with the full strength of the Members in their Council.

 If you have any questions about the BOD meeting, contact your Local Council President or visit


AFA Welcomes Class 2408!

 Every time a new Flight Attendant joins our career, they bring with them their unique talents and abilities, further strengthening our profession and our Union. On behalf of United AFA, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest Members of our Flight Attendant family, Class 2408!

 Flight Attendants from 2408 will be based at our domiciles in EWR, SFO, ORD, and IAD. We look forward to helping them as they begin this incredible career.

 As you meet new Flight Attendants on the line, please remember that they are on probation. Connect them with the most accurate information to support them as they begin their careers by directing them to their AFA Local Council for assistance on Contractual issues.

 If you are interested in supporting our newest Members, reach out to your local council to see how you can be a part of shaping their early careers as an AFA volunteer!



MAY - Mental Health Awareness Month

MAY - Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month

MAY - Jewish American Heritage Month

MAY 20-22 - AFA Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting



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