AFA E-Lines: May 09, 2024

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  • Safety Reminder - Update your Personal Information
  • MEC Annual Reserve Committee Training
  • Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM)
  • AFA Welcomes Class 2407!

AFA Debrief May 9, 2024

  • Safety Reminder - Update your Personal Information 
  • MEC Annual Reserve Committee Training
  • Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM)
  • AFA Welcomes Class 2407!

Safety Reminder - Update your Personal Information 

Having accurate contact information on file is crucial for your safety, as it allows the company to reach you, or your emergency contact, quickly regarding any safety concerns or urgent situations. For this reason, it is important to ensure that your personal information is up to date.

Even if you've updated your information recently, now is a good time to log into Flying Together and CCS to confirm everything is up-to-date and accurate. The name on your company records should match the name on your passport, especially if you have recently changed your name or had a new passport issued. Additionally, if you have a new phone number or address, or any other changes, these should be updated so that your information is accurate and up to date.

You can verify or update your information by going to Flying Together > My Profile (Upper Right Corner) > Edit my Info > Personal Details > Name > Edit or change name to match your passport exactly. Be sure to submit any required documentation to support the name change.

We also recommend that you review your designated Emergency Contact(s) in Flying Together. Access My Profile by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand corner of the home screen.

> Edit My Info > Personal Details > Emergency Contacts. 
Click the “+” to add a contact or the “>”  to edit existing information. Always remember to save any changes or updates.
If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council office for assistance.

MEC Annual Reserve Committee Training

This week, the United Master Executive Council (MEC) Reserve Committee conducted its annual Reserve Training in Chicago. Twenty-six of our flying partners from across the system attended the two-day training.

These volunteers reviewed committee structure, responsibilities, and all aspects of Reserve Preferencing and scheduling procedures as they became advocates for the members serving Reserve at their Local Council.

We appreciate the dedication of the AFA volunteers who offered their personal time to serve our Members and Union. Their involvement in this crucial aspect of our Union's work is invaluable, and we are truly grateful for their efforts. 

Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM)

Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) is not just a month of celebration, but a dedicated time to recognize and honor the remarkable achievements and contributions of American Jews to the United States of America. Starting in 2006, JAHM honors the culture and experience of Jewish Americans, inviting everyone to join in this celebration of diversity. The month of May was chosen due to the highly successful celebration of the 350th Anniversary of American Jewish History in May 2004, a testament to the inclusivity of this month.

For a comprehensive understanding of Jewish American History Month's history and significance, we recommend visiting the official website, This platform is a reliable source of information, offering a wealth of resources to deepen your knowledge and appreciation of this important cultural event.

AFA Welcomes Class 2407!

Every time a new Flight Attendant joins our career, they bring with them their unique talents and abilities, further strengthening our profession and our Union. On behalf of United AFA, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest Members of our Flight Attendant family, Class 2407!

Flight Attendants from 2407 will be based at our domiciles in EWR, SFO, ORD, IAD, and GUM. We look forward to helping them as they begin this incredible career.

As you meet new Flight Attendants on the line, please remember that they are on probation. Connect them with the most accurate information to support them as they begin their careers by directing them to their AFA Local Council for assistance on Contractual issues.

If you are interested in supporting our newest Members, reach out to your local council to see how you can be a part of shaping their early careers as an AFA volunteer!

MAY - Mental Health Awareness Month
MAY - Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month
MAY - Jewish American Heritage Month
MAY 12 - Mother’s Day
MAY 20-22 - AFA BOD


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