Reserve Preferencing TMAC Discrepancies Corrected

Date: January 18, 2019
Type: AFA Article

MEC Reserve Committee

When Reserve Preferencing assignments began for the January bid month, we began receiving questions from Flight Attendants who believed they may have been assigned out of time accrued order. Most commonly, it was a question of why she/he didn’t get a specific preference over someone who had more time accrued (TMAC) for the month according to what was displayed on the Reserve Availability screen.

Our research and oversight proved that some of the TMAC values within the Reserve Preferencing system were incorrect, in that the TMAC values included time intended to be credited in the future, such as vacation or training scheduled later in the month. In fact, TMAC is a "month-to-date" value that does not include these activities until they have actually occurred. 

The issue was immediately reported to the company, and after some research and testing it was determined to be a data issue in the COSMOS platform. Regrettably, correcting this issue turned out to be a bigger task than initially anticipated and the time that has passed since it was reported was longer than anticipated. However, we are pleased to inform you that a fix was tested over the past week and was finally put into place as of 2230 Central Standard Time on January 17th. It will therefore be effective for this evening’s Reserve Preferencing assignments for check-ins on January 19th. TMAC values in the Reserve Preferencing system should now match what appears on the Reserve Availability screen, and will not include future credit.  With the help of our Local Council Reserve Committees, we will continue to monitor the TMAC values to ensure the problem has been corrected. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Reserve Preferencing assignments, contact your Local Council Reserve Committee.

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