On The Line

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Our Scope

Just as we should not perform work that is assigned to customer service, ramp, mechanics or pilots in violation of their job scope and hampering United's ability to accurately determine front-line staffing, we need to ensure that the scope of our job is not violated. Closing bins, confirming luggage stowed and making passenger announcements during boarding are all duties that traditionally define our work.  When supervisors or other employees perform this undisputed Flight Attendant work, it is a violation of our Contract.  Calmly advise anyone other than working Flight Attendants attempting to perform these duties that they are in violation of our Contract and ask them to stop. Be sure to report any violation of our scope to your Local Council.

Together we can enforce our Contract and protect our jobs. As Union Members we have this responsibility to each other.  Each of us individually enforcing our Contract is always important work. Our efforts are especially relevant when we consider our collective efforts to negotiate Contractual improvements.

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