Points Applied for Sick Absences Related to COVID-19

Date: March 31, 2020
Type: AFA Article

Letter of Agreement Provides Additional Sick Leave & Discipline Protections

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Flight Attendants who had points applied for sick absences, (non-occupational) beginning March 1, 2020 will have the points automatically removed by the FAST team within seven (7) business days of the occurrence. 

On March 17th a Letter of Agreement (LOA) providing sick leave and discipline protections for Flight Attendants directly affected by the COVID-19 virus became an agreement. It is important to note that the stipulations outlined within this LOA must be met in order for a sick instance to apply and the provisions will not apply to any sick instances that fall outside the parameters of the agreement. 

Additionally, the LOA provides the following:  

1. Any Flight Attendant who calls in sick and is subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19 virus will have such sick leave restored.

2. Any points associated with sick leave use during the period of time this Letter of Agreement is in effect, whether for self or care of a family member in your household, will be removed.

3. Sick leave taken during the period of time this Letter of Agreement is in effect will not count against any Flight Attendant for purposes of dependability.

This agreement is effective until the United States Disease Control and Prevention declares that COVID-19 is no longer an epidemic in the United States, but no less than 90 days.

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